Finding a Tutor For A Child With Special Educational Needs

Chloe Cheney
5 min readJun 16, 2022


Finding a Tutor For A Child With Special Educational Needs
Finding a Tutor For A Child With Special Educational Needs

Education is considered a highly important part of children’s lives. This is why every parent makes their child enter this race to obtain a high-quality education and eventually win the race, referred to as scoring the highest scores. Parents always try their best, and their dedication cannot be measured, just like the amount of time and money they invest in their child’s education cannot be measured.

Some people believe that learning is directly proportional to the dedication and cannot be stopped. They’re wrong. Why? Because learning also depends upon the physical abilities of a child. If a child isn’t able to hear properly, then there is no point in just providing him with the usual teacher with a normal teaching method. In the end, he won’t be able to understand anything properly, which might even demotivate him further from studying.

“Child with Special Educational Needs” refers to those students who require special attention as per their disability or have different kinds of extra learning abilities. These children are the ones who get a lot of attention and motivation because their schoolmates often bully them. They often lack confidence because of the problems they face in their everyday lives.

Although this is a reality that every child doesn’t have the same sort of disability as it varies from person to person. There are a lot of schools that assist such children, but there are kinds of disabilities for which the students need to be taken care of in a far more special way as compared to other children.

In that case, hiring a private tutor is an easy task. They will cater to special children’s needs individually and give undivided attention. However, when it comes to hiring a private tutor for a student with special educational needs, some things have to be considered first and foremost.

Do you want to know what those considerations are? Don’t worry; we are here to help you! Below, we are sharing all the important considerations you need to keep in mind before hiring a private tutor for your kid with special needs. Keep Reading!

1. Hire Specialized Tutors

Hire Specialized Tutors
Hire Specialized Tutors

You should hire an experienced and professional tutor specializing in teaching children and providing education. Having specialization allows the tutor to provide the student with a specific environment in order to make him learn easily, instead of teaching him in a traditional way which will not allow them to focus as much as they should. Moreover, specialized tutors are excellent at making effective agendas and teaching strategies. Also, they always move on at the right and suitable pace to make the student comfortable and give them time to understand and grasp concepts.

2. Look For Tutors Experienced With Students With Special Needs

Look For Tutors Experienced With Students With Special Needs
Look For Tutors Experienced With Students With Special Needs

Always hire an experienced private tutor who deals with children with special educational needs. That tutor would know how to make the student feel comfortable and motivated and in what ways he can be dedicated as much as possible. Because these are the kids who require attention, that is the only reason they need an experienced individual. These students need academic help and psychological support because they go through a lot in their normal lives. This is why they need an individual who supports them to their fullest.

3. Research And Recommendations

Always go through thorough research before hiring a professional tutor for your kid with special needs. You can search online, and look for reviews, and the rating their previous clients left. Moreover, you can ask for recommendations from your friends, family, colleagues, and other people you know. Sometimes these people can give you good and reliable recommendations based on their previous experiences. Going through this process will help you shortlist a few potential tutors for your child.

Benefits Of Having A Private Tutor For Your Child With Special Needs

Now that we have gone through the two important considerations, it is time to go through a few benefits of having a private tutor for children with special needs. Here you go:

  • Hiring a private tutor will allow the students to have a one-to-one conversation and session with their tutor. It will allow the students to not only focus on their academic curriculum properly but also to share their fears as well. By allowing them to have a one-to-one conversation with their tutor, they’ll have the liberty to talk in private, and the tutor will be able to motivate them so they’d be able to overcome their fears.
  • By hiring a private tutor, a lot of frustration can be reduced because of more focused learning and balanced time consumption, which reduces the amount of frustration and allows both the student and the teacher to manage the time carefully and focus specifically on learning. It develops a positive attitude towards both learning and the tutor, which the students usually find boring. With one-to-one interaction with the tutor, it helps them develop their knowledge with a positive attitude and develop a strong sense of motivation and encouragement.


Families can either hire a private tutor online or for a one-to-one session because both can be highly beneficial for the child with special educational needs. Even the online tutors for this purpose are highly experienced and trained and know how to handle the situation properly. Although many platforms provide tutors, one is considered the best when it comes to providing highly-experienced tutors at an affordable price, starting from $20/hr, and providing academic and psychological support to the students with special educational needs.

My Tutor Source (MTS) is a platform that provides highly experienced tutors at an affordable price because the organization highly believes that children with special educational needs shouldn’t be left behind. In fact, they are the ones who need the services of these tutors the most, and the tutors at MTS are always available to help the students academically and psychologically. In order to gain further information, parents can contact the organization at

