How to Prepare for an Exam

Chloe Cheney
7 min readJun 7, 2022


In case you have exams coming up and you are determined to do your best in them and you are wondering how to prepare for exams so you can reach your maximum potential. Here are a few tips for exams that will get you through this mentally taxing time. These pre exam tips are sure to help you pass with flying colours. Well, so what are you waiting for? Let’s dive right in.

1. Make a Timetable

This is perhaps the most important of the pre exam tips. Time management is the most integral part of exam preparation. You should start preparing for your exam at least one month ahead. This gives you enough time to get over the anxiety and nervousness and makes the preparation less taxing and more organized. Make a study schedule that fits your way of studying and do not leave anything for the last minute. However, it does not work for every student. We are cognizant of the fact that some students do seem to thrive on last-minute studying. But, oftentimes, last minute studying does not seem to be the best approach for exam preparation in the longer run. Therefore, the best approach is to write down how many exams you have, how many pages you have to learn, and the days you have left and organize your studying habits accordingly. Starting your preparation early gives you enough time to revise the syllabus you have already covered. Therefore, it is best to always start early and stick to the time table you have made for yourself to the day when you have to take the exams. Remember, you may want to devote more preparation time to some subjects than others, so try to achieve a balance as per your convenience.

2. Organize your Study Space

The second one of our pre exam tips is that you should always organize your study space. Ensure you have sufficient room around your work area to spread your reading material and notes. Guaranteeing that the room is adequately brilliant and your seat soothing enough are likewise focuses to consider. Focus on subtleties that can divert you and eliminate them from your examination space. Ensure that you feel great in your investigation space and that you can center. For certain people, this may mean total quiet, while for others tuning in to music makes a difference. A few of us need total request to center, while others like to concentrate in a more jumbled climate. Ensure your examination space is amicable and wonderful with the goal that you can completely think. Prior to plunking down to get ready for your tests, ensure everything around you is coordinated. You ought to have sufficient room around you to keep your notes and course books. Likewise, you need to guarantee that your seat is agreeable, there is sufficient lighting in your room, and there isn’t anything around you that may divert you like your computer games. While getting ready for tests, you need to feel as great as could be expected and keep away from all interruptions so you can focus more on examining. Moreover, you likewise need to figure out the entirety of your investigation material prior to starting with the planning. In this manner, set up your notes, check you have every one of the presents, record your own synopses for every section of your reading material, and set up a framework of the subject so you can utilize it as a last-minute reference. Maintaining everything in control is one of the key examination tips that students should remember. It will offer you an agreeable climate and will assist you with keeping on track during planning.

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3. Use Learning Aids

Visual aids and learning aids such as flow charts, tables and sticky notes can be especially useful when you have to cover a long list of pages in a short time. Moreover, visual aids can be especially helpful when you are revising the study material second or third time. Before you begin, you can write down everything you already know about the subject. Then, later, closer to the exam, transform your revision notes in a diagram. In that manner the visual remembrance can aid your readiness considerably when taking the exam.

4. Attempt Past Papers

Quite possibly the best approach to get ready for tests is to rehearse with an old form of past tests. Likewise, an old test will help you see the organization and plan of the inquiries and it will be useful for you to realize what’s in store yet additionally as a commendable practice for estimating the time you need for the genuine test. Looking into and rehearsing old test papers is quite possibly the best approach to figure out how to get ready for tests. It assists you to acclimate yourself with the arrangement and design of the inquiry paper. In the event that conceivable, have a go at timing yourself while rehearsing the old test paper, this will assist you with knowing how long you are spending on each part. You can move beyond test papers from your educator, your college library, or you can even hunt on the web.

5. Explain Your Answers to Others

With the help of your family and friends, you could excel on your exam. Explain to them your reasoning for why you have answered a certain question in a certain way. Moreover, explaining or teaching theoretical concepts to your friends also makes you understand your strengths and weaknesses better.

6. Snack and Hydrate Properly

While all the Burger King and Pizza Hut commercials imply otherwise, you should never snack on unhealthy foods while studying. More importantly, sugar is a no go. Not only unhealthy foods make you drowsy, they make you lose focus as well. Therefore, instead of munching on unhealthy snacks, you should snack on healthy fruits and nuts that enhance your brain’s capability. Moreover, hydration is a key tip that will help you retain all the information as well.

7. Plan the Exam Day

In order to ward off exam anxiety, you should always plan the day of your exam to the minutest detail. Always check the requirements for the exam, prepare all your stationery and clothes beforehand. Arrange your ride and route beforehand as well to avoid any last minute delays. Moreover, you should always get to the exam center at least 15 minutes ahead to get yourself comfortable in the environment.

8. Plan Study Sessions with Friends

Often demonized by parents and instructors, this tip is perhaps more useful for university students and high school students. It most effectively works with tough theoretical exams as no one explains tough theoretical concepts better than friends. Study sessions with friends help you get answers to all your questions and vice versa. However, you should always vary the time constraints and keep the fun minimal. In a group study session, you need to make sure that you do not waste time and stay focused on learning the importance of preparing for exams. Studying with your friends or your fellow students is also a great way to challenge yourself and keep moving forward towards your goal.

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9. Take Regular Breaks

The general notion of pre exam preparation is that you should always study for long hours to ensure maximum productivity. While this works for some people, this does not apply to everyone. Therefore, it is advisable that you take short breaks while studying. This not only helps you retain and process the information more meaningfully, but it lasts as well. When building a study routine, consider taking intervals when it works best for you. For instance, if you study better at night, take your break early. And if you are more productive in the morning, start studying first before taking a break during lunchtime.

10. Ask for Help

On the off chance that you face inconvenience understanding a particular idea or subject, at that point don’t spare a moment to request help. Converse with your coach, educator, guide, or your companion to comprehend the idea better before it’s past the point of no return. Maybe than attempting to retain or pack, taking direction from somebody can assist you with recollecting the idea for a more drawn out time. Your relatives can likewise help you by asking you inquiries identified with your subject to see if you have perceived the idea. Ensure you have everything prepared before the day of your test and don’t leave anything for the most recent day. Check every one of the prerequisites and make a wide range of various important game plans. Additionally, choose which course you will require upon the arrival of the assessment and perceive what amount of time it will require for you to arrive at the objective. This will assist you with showing up on schedule at the assessment community and abstain from being late. On the off chance that you feel that the course is excessively long, you can make arrangements to go with your colleagues or companions, as long as you probably are aware they will be dependable. Plus, remember to take at any rate at least seven hours of rest before the test. Keep in mind, tests are intended to test your reasoning capacity. So in the event that you are restless, you probably won’t have the option to finish your test on schedule or legitimize your answers effectively. Therefore, it is extremely important that you hire a private tutor or extra help that will enable you to ace your exam.

