What are learning styles?
Whenever you are reading a book or trying to learn something, you try to do it in a specific way which will help you to understand the topic or subject thoroughly. Just like you, everybody out there has one’s own favourite and effective style of learning. ‘‘A learning is a way, method or technique that someone adopt and choose for one’s self for better understanding of a certain topic’’. For example, some people have habit of reading aloud for an obvious reason that it helps them to clarify the complex sentences to get the true meaning of the text. Similarly, there are some people who can learn by listening to someone else. There are various learning styles. And by the end of this article you will be able to know many of them.
History of learning styles:
The term ‘‘Learning Styles’’ refers to those ideas and styles by which a student can learn. If you are a teacher or anyone who has direct or indirect link with teaching then you must be aware of all kind of learning styles. There are such students who can learn by any kind of method but if a student is unable to learn in a way then you must have another working option for him/her. In 334 BC Aristotle was the person who gave birth to this term ‘‘Learning styles’’. He was a firm believer of implementing learning styles. According to him: ‘‘Each child possessed specific talents and skills’’. Since then, it is still evolving. Once he presented the idea many other researchers started to research on this term. In 1978 a researcher, Lev Vygotsky presented the report of his own theories. He suggested that ‘‘the company and child’s community plays an essential role in exploring the meaning of new things, which some across a child’s learning journey. While there is another name of a theorist, Jean Piaget, who believed that ‘‘every child learn from his personal life experiences’’. Many other researchers also contributed in this regard. The most recent theories are by Howard Gardener, Neil Fleming and David Kolb.
According to Howard Gardner: ‘‘every student learns in his own distinct and identifiable style’’. Then he came up with the idea of multiple intelligences. He believed that we can assess a child’s ability of learning by implementing those learning styles. He categorized those learning methods into 7 types. He said, any student can learn from at least one of them.
The theory of Neil Fleming was highly different from Howard Gardner. He developed an acronym VARK to present his theory. VARK represents visual, Aural, reading/writing and Kinaesthetic, which refers to instructional preferences which are given to or taken out of society. This term refers to ‘learning by doing’ following the predefined guidelines by the society. The visual term is referring to any kind of information coming from visual content. And aural is related to speaking and listening. And the remaining is reading and writing that we all know is of the same kind as children learn in schools. In 1986, he also presented a series of sheets of questions which could be a great help for teachers, students, employers, etc.
The theory of David Kolbe was slightly different from the both. He said: ‘‘Learning is a process whereby knowledge is created through the transformation of experiences’’ (Kolbe, 1984). Kolbe’s theory is more in favour of learning by experiments. He gave the term ‘Experimental learning cycle’. He said anybody regardless of his age can enter the cycle of experimentation for the best learning to occur, a learner must pass through all the stages of the learning cycle (Experimental learning cycle, Kolbe, 2017).
Concept of learning styles and its importance:
As I have said earlier, the learning style concept was firstly given by Aristotle. The concept of learning style educates us about the fundamental thing that every person is unique in its abilities. One individual is totally different from the other one. If one consumes a lesson rapidly by a certain learning style the other may not get the basics of the topics by using the same method of teaching for him. And this is why knowing all kinds of learning styles is highly important. Significance of learning style is obvious by the fact that everyone has his own preferred learning style and to teach or educate him you need to teach him accordingly.
Factors affecting Learning styles:
Learning styles vary person to person. There are many factors which contribute towards this variation. It can also be because of personal choices and preferences. But there are certain important factors which are found to be affecting learning styles in all regions of the world without any discrimination. These are listed below:
⮚ Learning Environment
⮚ Mental abilities or intellectual factor ( individual mental level)
⮚ Physical fitness
⮚ Interest and focus
⮚ Emotional and social behaviour
⮚ Teacher’s personality
These are some important factors which affect and define the learning style of a student.
Current learning styles:
There are 7 learning styles which are currently adopted. These are as follows:
- Visual learning style
Visual learners or spatial learners are those students who learn by visualising the concept or by seeing something related to that subject. Visual style of learning uses charts, graphs, images, videos, animations, etc. In this visual learners, learn better and grasp the information properly.
2. Aural learning style
Aural or auditory learning styles for those learners who love to play with beats and music. The best mode of learning for them is learning in a rhythmic manner. Their ability of hearing is exceptional from others. They can also learn by listening to others.
3. Verbal learning style
Verbal style of learning is also called linguistic learning. It uses the simplest wording to explain complex concepts. It is more of a conversational kind. The learners use speech, debating or journalism.
4. Physical learning style
Physical learning more often known as Kinaesthetic learning mode is a style of learning by using your body and hands. More sense of touch and personal experience define this way of learning.
5. Logical learning style
Logical learning style is based on calculations and mathematics. Mathematical rules are the logical ones and anyone can understand the logic of addition and subtraction. Science learners prefer logical learning styles.
6. Social learning style
The mode of learning in which you do not go for experimenting but you use data collected from masses and learn from their observation. This is for interpersonal learners.
7. Solitary Learning style
These students are in tune with their thoughts. They prefer to learn on their own by doing self-study in a quiet environment.